2017 Washington State PTA Legislative Assembly Report

PTA can be a powerful way to advocate for all of our children. The main theme this year is “Every Child, One Voice”.

2016-2018 Legislative Platform (Top Five)

  1. Social Emotional Learning
  2. Amply Fund Basic Education
  3. Closing the Opportunity Gap
  4. Standards for Paraeducators
  5. Breakfast after the Bell

Issues Also Supported (listed alphabetically)

  • Improving Educational Outcomes for Foster Children
  • Engaging Families in Student Success
  • Post-Secondary Higher Education
  • Removing Barriers to Implementing ECEAP (Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program)
  • Restorative Justice and School Safety

Please go to WSPTA Grassroots Connection Blogspot for more detailed information and a Post Legislative Assembly Summary: http://wsptagrassroots.blogspot.com/ . You can also visit this page to sign up for Grassroots Updates, and to find links to other Advocacy Resources. 

Everyday Advocacy 

1. Make an appointment with your legislators. Visit app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/ or call the Legislative Information Center (360) 786-7573 for information. 

2. Know Washington State PTA'S legislative priorities. 

3. Connect with other parents, teachers, and education advocates. Take time to network with other advocates at Focus Day. Find out what issues you have in common and what issues other families are experiencing. 

4. Make sure to leave it in writing. Any information you provide, whether to legislators, other parents, teachers, or education advocates should be in writing. Verify that you have something written to leave behind, even if it is just a letter, postcard, or personal story.  


The PTSA is the school's Parent Teacher Student Association. We are a registered not-for-profit comprised of parent volunteers, just like you, who help provide many programs and events at Creekside.